Rabu, 17 November 2010

The ideal methode for learning in the class

In learning english language we must have four language skills. They are listening,reading,speaking and writing. The aim of developing them is to enrich and expand the student's mind with their dailyas well as academic environment.
We must have the materials from the book because it will enhance the students ability to comprehend the use of language in various situations oppropriately,the four language skills are presented in integrated. Every time the students learn each language skill,at the same time they learn the rest of the skills.

The ideal Methods are:
1. for the listening skill, the students learn the listening skill from various materials such as short passages,information,announcement,news,instructions,as well as dialogues. We will listen to the teacher who read the provided scripts listening consequently,the teacher
should be careful in pronauncing the words and giving stress in the sentence the teacher should take the role as a good model for the students.

2. For the reading skill,we must have various reading materials. We can get it from book,magazine,etc. The teacher must order the students for often reading from various reading materials and also the students could always memorize and understand the tenses because it will help them for making sentence easily. Studying the reading from the book not only develop the ability of the students to read and comprehend the content,but also develop the student's skill in writing as well as speaking.

3. for the speaking skill, to develop the student's speaking skill the teacher must habit speaking english in the class and also the student's and the teacher must often to order the students for practice speaking in the class,as making dialogs in the group. It will give students many opportunities to speak their mind using various common expression.

4. for the writing skill,students learn to write compositons in the form of passages. Short written information,as well as letters and the other form of writings. However,some examples are still given to guide them  to write communicatively as well as in a good language

There are four methodes for learn the language and to achieve the competencies's students. I hope it should help us for learning englis more easily

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